Senior Vocal Syllabus

Please be sure you are familiar with the Rules. In particular, the time limit of each class:
5 minutes, unless otherwise stated in the class description.

245Becroft Aria (preliminary round)open$35

Class sponsor    Becroft Foundation, The Les and Sonia Andrews Cultural Foundation, and anonymous donors
Time limit 7 minutes per aria. 
Competitors will only sing the FIRST of the two arias listed in the programme
in this preliminary round.
The winner will receive the Aria Cup and $5,000 from the  Becroft Foundation;
2nd Prize $3000.00 from the Les and Sonia Andrews Cultural Foundation and
3rd Prize $1000.00 given by anonymous donors.
Competitors must also enter TWO other classes 
in the competition. A single entry in either Class 263 (Linda Wootten Memorial)
or Class 264 (Seamus Casey Memorial) will satisfy this condition.   

246Music Theatre in Costumeopen$15

Class sponsor    Janice Webb
Winner receives the Les Kitney Memorial Trophyand $150.
This class is open to both individuals and duets.

Two contrasting items in costume and character are to be presented.
Character portrayal, acting, singing and dancing (if appropriate)
for the solo or duet will be judged.

Competitors may choose the order of their items as long as the music
for the Adjudicator is  clearly marked and the Stage Manager has been informed.
The second Item will be performed by the entrants in the same order as
listed in the programme after the Interval.

247Restricted - Own Selectionopen

Open to singers who have not won a first prize during the last three years
at this or any similar competition.

250Song by a New Zealand Composeropen

Winner receives the Andrew Reid Cup.

251Vocal Duet - Own selectionopen$15

Class sponsor    Opera Factory


252Nomination/s for PACANZ National Young Performer Awards 17 to 24 years$15

Class sponsor    Patron Mrs Wyn Hoadley QS0
A. Performers will be 17 and under 25 years as at 1st of October 2022.

B. Performers will introduce their items and they must sing them in the
language in which they were composed.

1. Each performer will perform a programme of a maximum of 15 minutes and
not less than 12 minutes, including the introduction. There will be a total
mark given for the complete programme. A penalty of 5 marks will be
imposed if the minimum time limit is not met, or the maximum time limit is
exceeded by 60 seconds or more.

2. An accompanist is provided, but competitors may bring their own at their own expense.

D. Each performer will perform a programme consisting of:
    - 20th or 21st Century Art Song
    - Aria (Opera or Oratorio)
    - Own Selection

E. In the semi-final, those performers recalled will perform either two or
three items from their programme, at the Adjudicator’s discretion. The number
of semi-finalists is determined as per the NYPA rules 7.1-7.2. Competitors
will be chosen based on their marks in the Preliminary round.

F. Three Finalists will be recalled for the Final Award Concert and will
perform one item from their original programme, as directed by the Adjudicator.

Only enter the Nomination class if you are seeking a Nomination AND are
committed to attending and competing at the National Young Performer Awards
in Palmerston North - 21-23 Oct 2022.

Each Society, which is a financial member of PACANZ, may nominate up to
two competitors, who shall be selected by the adjudicator, based on a
performance as outlined in A-D. The adjudicator will determine that a
competitor has displayed a sufficient standard of performance to competently
represent that society at the National Finals. The standard required will
be at the absolute discretion of the adjudicator but will include:
- A demonstration of adequate preparation
- An authority of performance
- A performance with a level of maturity commensurate with a
national final competition of this age group.

If the adjudicator considers that sufficient standard has NOT been
reached by any competitor, then NO nomination will be made. The Nominating
Society is responsible for paying part of the entry fee to the National
Young Performer Awards i.e. $75 inc. gst per Nominee. Each Nominee is
responsible for paying the rest of the entry fee to the National Young
Performer Awards i.e. $175.00 incl gst.

If the adjudicator considers that more than two competitors have reached
a sufficient standard the adjudicator may report to the committee that
those competitors should be given the option of a DIRECT ENTRY NOMINATION.
The DIRECT ENTRY nominee will be responsible for paying the full entry fee
i.e. $250.00 incl gst.

253Operatic Soloopen

This class is not open to entrants in the Becroft Aria

254European Art Song (not English), after 1840open


255Vocal Championshipopen$20

Class sponsor    Anne Shanks and the NSPAS
Competitors entering this class ($20) must also enter and compete in Classes 
257, 258 & 259 ($12 per class). Winner receives $200, second place $100,
third place $50, donated by Anne Shanks and various NSPAS Benevolent Funds.




Class sponsor    Sally Stone
Time limit 7 minutes. Any preceding recitative must be included.
First Prize $75.00,  Second $50.00 and Third $25.00

258Art Song in original English (any period)open

Class sponsor    Raewyn Stone


259German Liedopen

Class sponsor    Auckland Lieder Group
Winner will receive the Gwilym Evans Memorial Trophy and $100,
second place $50 and third place $25 donated by the Auckland Lieder Group.

263The Linda Wootten Memorial Awardopen$25

Class sponsor    Linda Wootten Estate
Open to female singers. Winner receives $750,
second place $250, third place $100 from the Linda Wootten Estate,
sponsored by Perpetual Guardian Trust.
Competitors will sing three items: an aria from opera, a German Lied, 
and an item in English.
These may be sung in any order, but total performance time must not exceed
15 minutes. Due to time constraints, singers are requested to *not*
give spoken introductions to their works.

264The Seamus Casey Memorial Awardopen$25

Class sponsor    Seamus Casey Memorial Award Fund
Open to male singers.
Winner receives $750, second place $250, third $100,
sponsored by anonymous donors.
Competitors will sing three items: an aria from opera,
a German Lied, and an item in English.
These may be sung in any order, but total performance time must not exceed
15 minutes. Due to time constraints, singers are requested to *not*
give spoken introductions to their works.
